Details of the Initiative
I. Lecture
Lecture title: SDGs and Governance by Graduate School of Governance Studies, Professional Graduate School (two omnibus lectures)
November 12, 2020
・Lecture on Considering Sustainable Development of Cities was held.
November 19, 2020
The lecture was given by an invited counselor of the Secretariat of the Headquarters for the Creation of Community, Human Resource and Work, Cabinet Secretariat.
II. Writing
Meiji Journal of Governance Studies, vol7, 2022
・Challenges of Japan’s Water Governance in a Schrinking Society
European journal, Institute of Social Sciences, Meiji University
・Sustainable City Policies in Japan I -Perceptional Changes to Urban Policies
・Sustainable City Policies in Japan II -What Are the Keys for Sustainable Cities in Japanese Case?-
III. International conferences and lectures
・April 15, 2021: General meeting of American Society for Public Administration
Theme: Changing powers of local governments in response to the pandemic
・January 2021: Invited to give a lecture (online) at the OLA (Observatory Local Administration) Seminar, University of Lille, France.
Response to the Shrinking Society and the Demands of E-Municipality
・July 2019: Reported at IASIA (The International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration) 2019 Conference in Lisbon City.
The Keys to Development of Sustainable Cities in Japan
・May 2019: AAPA (Asia Association for Public Administration 2019 Annual Conference), Manila City
Keynote address given at the general meeting of Asian Society for Public Administration.
Sustainable City Policies in Japan: Perceptional Changes to Facilitate Achieving SDGs
・In September 2018, a lecture given at 2008 World Smart City Week in Seoul.
Japanese Policy for Smart City