Details of the Initiative
The Kurosaki Seminar gives third-year students project work in which they create something useful in order for international students learning Japanese to live in Japan. One of the projects in the 2022 school year was an activity of making an intermediate textbook that enabled international students from different countries to learn Japanese through discussions about SDGs. As the textbook was themed on the SDGs, we asked for cooperation from other seminars in the university that are actually working toward achieving the goals, and Learning Japanese through the SDGs was completed in the summer of 2023.
The textbook consists of three lessons, focusing on text comprehension and oral expression tasks. Themes of the lessons are as follows.
Lesson 1: Sustainable cities and communities, Speech (Goal 11)
Lesson 2: No poverty, Interviews (Goal 1)
Lesson 3: Responsible consumption and production as well as protecting clean water, Discussions (Goal 6, 12, and 14)
In autumn 2023, the Intercultural Collaborative Learning Special Course using the textbook was held. Linguistics seminar students have learned about the SDGs and Japanese language education in depth through this activity, which was highly beneficial.