Details of the Initiative
The Law School Gender Law Center of the Professional Graduate School, Meiji University, was established as one of four specialized legal training institutions of the graduate school, which covers cutting-edge subjects in law. The center promotes research and education on gender laws and disseminates information on such. Gender law is a new interdisciplinary field that includes critically analyzing and reconstructing gender bias (prejudice and stereotypes based on gender) in law and judiciaries from the perspective of gender (cultural and social gender differences).
There is probably nothing that can be more in line with the idea of SDGs than the efforts of the center, which studies gender laws with the aim of achieving gender equality and empowerment of women in light of the legal system of each country and the international level.
First, we will contribute to Goal 5. Gender equality. Moreover, additional SDGs closely related are the following: Goal 1. No poverty, Goal 3. Good health and well-being, Goal 4. Quality education, Goal 8. Decent work and economic growth, Goal 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure, Goal 10. Reduced inequality, Goal 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions, Goal 17. Partnerships for the goals. We will also devote ourselves to achieving the goals.
The center has the following main initiatives.
Research: Research is conducted mainly by our diverse researchers. Study sessions on legal precedents are held mainly by young researchers twice a year and encourage front-line research on gender laws.
Education: The center cooperates in holding public lectures on Gender and Law I and II provided by our law school, which our undergraduate students, graduate students, and graduates participate in.
In the public lectures, attorneys and researchers who are active at the forefront of gender law serve as instructors on cutting-edge topics, such as medical school entrance exam discrimination against female students and LGBTQ issues. Many students from other faculties and graduate courses participate in the lectures. We aim to promote understanding of gender laws by having various discussions with society.
Social Contribution: Annual activity reports and papers resulting from the research and education activities appear in the Meiji University Gender Law Center Annual Report, which has been published since 2020, and can be searched for in the Meiji University Library repository.
For more information on our overall activities, please visit the website of the Gender Law Center, a specialized legal training institution of Meiji University Professional Graduate School, shown below.