Protecting biodiversity by working with local young people and citizens
EducationResearchSocial Contribution
Details of the Initiative
To help conserve biodiversity, our science lab has been studying endangered species, such as Aster kantoensis on the river-bed of the Tama River and Aster tripolium on tidal flats. Researching endangered species as a graduation research project is challenging, but despite this we have been actively studying Eusphingonotus japonicus and Hynobius tokyoensis. It is thought that commonly seen species such as these form part of a framework of an ecosystem. Nature observation programs collaborating with Mita Machimori Terakoya near Ikuta Campus, the students of nearby Mita elementary school to survey distributions of Japanese pipistrelle using bat detectors and seed dispersals using the MVS method, which catches seeds dispersed by wind on artificial turf. We presented these results as a product of citizen science, that is, where citizens are involved in the research.