Pruralistic, non-hierarchical ...
Corporate governance system of...
Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear P...
International Law
Comparative Literature and Cul...
Effectiveness of EU and Intern...
Modern German History, Social ...
Norwegian outdoor life〈Friluft...
Constitutional law, energy law...
Information administrative law...
Food Problems
Research on SDGs: Approach fro...
The New World Economic Order a...
Linguistics, Japanese Language...
International Logistics, Inter...
Management and Managerial Acco...
Institutional investors and co...
Fermented horse milk in Mongol...
International political econom...
Intellectual Capital Managemen...
Socio-Economic History of Glob...
Economics on Food and Agricult...
Sport History, Sport Anthropol...
Settler colonialism and geogra...
Political Science and Japanese...
Research on urban policy and h...
Experimental research on the "...
Environmental Economics or Eco...
Study in EthicsStudy in Scienc...
The potential of games and pla...
History of the Ottoman Empire
Post-WarJewish Literature in G...
Sociology of Sexualities
Lifelong Learning Support for ...
Health Communication, Behavior...
Cultural sociology: Theoretica...
Clinical psychology of gender ...
Redressing the damage of indus...
The study of haniwa in kofun p...
Artificial photosynthesis aimi...
Development of environmentally...
Research on advanced technolog...
Humanistic Approaches towards ...
Quantum Materials Science Emer...
Health Monitoring Method for M...
Studies on Extra Drainage Syst...
Understanding flow phenomena a...
Visualization of human intenti...
Modeling and mathematical anal...
regional collaboration activit...
Study of mechanism of MAMPs re...
Regulation of brain function b...
Conservation and Restoration o...
Comprehensive Study of Rural P...
Creating the Sustainable Marke...
Production of the biomaterial ...
Elucidation of the mechanism o...
Effects of global warming and ...
Elucidation of molecular mecha...
Comprehensive research on Sust...
Business Administration and Pe...
Intercultural Communication; L...
financial inclusion
Management Control Systems, Ge...
Economic Geography, Urban Soci...
ESG Investment
Exercise Immunology
Sustainable Businesses and Hum...
How has Japanese society faced...
Intercultural Communication, T...
AIDS Activism(Life History Res...
Industrial Development and Pov...
Analysis of environmental/disa...
Urban plannin/development in A...
Sport Sociology, Gender Studie...
diversity and inclusion, gend...
Economics of Innovation
Arts-Based Research (ABR) Crea...
International Education Exchan...
International tourism, destina...
International comparison of so...
Distribution Science, Marketin...
migration, integration and div...
Diversity and Community Develo...
Object design by machine learn...
Smart City toward carbon-free ...
Numerical analysis in the cal...
Statistics and Machine Learnin...
Financial Engineering, Financi...
Electrically-stimulating chops...
AI-Based Smart Grid Operation ...
Speech design through collabor...
Research on communication netw...
Effective utilization of renew...
Food Problems
Critical Feminism ~Theory and ...
Development of functional biom...
Enforcement in Intellectuall P...
retail marketing
Arts-Based Research (ABR) Crea...
Advanced Materials, Polymer Sc...
The Sociology of Globalization
Industrial Development and Pov...
Interaction Design
Plant genetics, genomics, and ...
Administrative Law, Local Gove...
Disclosure and Assurance of No...
Transition Management Processe...
Community Development and Faci...
Research on poverty,low-income...
Dr.Tokuzo Fukuda's theory of t...
Research on intellectual prope...
Environmental Governance
decent accounting with a human...
Resarch on corporate innovatio...